HuliHealth Presents at the DECA Innovations & Entrepreneurship Conference

This past Thursday, Alejandro, Anthony, and myself went to a young entrepreneur’s conference attended by about a hundred high-school aged kids.  While I enjoyed free cookies and provided much-needed moral support, Ale and Anthony spoke to the group about HuliHealth, the hurdles we face as a start-up, and the joys of running your own business.  There were some legitimate budding entrepreneurs in the audience who came back at us with very interesting questions!  It was great to see a new generation of students who are already imagining their future businesses and getting excited about being entrepreneurial.

Life as an entrepreneur, of course, isn’t all limousines and caviar-stuffed filet mignon.  Right now, it’s mostly public transportation and Pringles.  But that’s no reason for young wunderkinds to get frightened away.  Being an entrepreneur means that your personal success depends on two things: the strength of your idea and the talent of you & your team.  If you’re a teenager dreaming of becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg (albeit hopefully with better social skills) this thought should excite you most of all: as an entrepreneur, you are responsible for your own success.  We at HuliHealth are very excited to show how our ideas and talents will change the world!

Entrepreneurs are the real driving force that makes the American economy go.  I hope that HuliHealth’s presence at this conference helped convince even one student to follow her passion and start a business that fills a need.  And even if not: hey, free cookies.

by Adam Moses